Welcome to Spider Class - Year 5
Welcome to Spider class!
Miss Dyer – Class Teacher
Hello, I am Miss Dyer. I feel extremely lucky to be teaching in Year 5 at St Benedict's - surrounded by such wonderful children and staff alike. Teaching was always my dream job for as long as I can remember, and I still feel exactly the same way about it now. Writing is one of my favourite things to teach, and in Year 5 we take real pride in creating some amazing pieces of writing, inspired by high-quality texts, images and the real world we live in. Also, in Spider Class, we learn through real-life experiences such as: Mini-Police roles, swimming sessions and most importantly, our residential trip to Osminton Bay. Netball is also a huge passion of mine, and I feel privileged to share this passion during our upper-school netball club every week.
Miss Branton
Miss Branton is our amazing Teaching assistant! Spider Class would not be the same without her organisation, kindness and amazing artistic skills. Miss Branton is also one of our school ELSA leaders, and works 1-on-1 with different children around the school on a weekly basis.
Things we are learning about this year
The Tudors: Kings, Queens and explorers - including where in the world the Tudors explored.
Somerset and Brazilian carnivals (including the Gunpowder plot!)
The Ancient Greeks.
Space and the Planets, Forces, Materials and Life Cycles.
For more information, see our Curriculum maps.